This time it's serious

How I lost those last few pounds on a diet

What’s the craic with this site?

Most people hate dieting. I’ve managed in the past to lose the weight I’ve put on by making small lifestyle changes, like walking more or loosely following the Slimming World plan of cutting out convenience food. However, following getting engaged I realised I had put on a LOT! It all started after an injury left me housebound for weeks, and well maybe having a fantastic Italian at the end of my road…I needed to lose the weight fast, without comprising my lifestyle of socialising.

The first stone and a half fell off without too much bother, following my normal routine of 10,000 daily steps and cutting out rubbish food. I have now reached a place where I have remained static on my weight-loss for too long and time is getting on. I need to reach my target weight and time is running out. I need to cut out my cheat days, which let’s face it happen often after a couple of glasses of wine, hold myself accountable, pretty much force my hand to take these last few pounds seriously to lose them before I put on that dress. So I left myself no option but to publish my eating habits. No more pretending to myself, I mean business. I will be laying bare everything I eat and drink over the coming days until I hit my target.

That’s all grand, but did you lose the weight?

I set myself the target of losing nine pounds in two months. I lost seven and a half pounds. I was happy with that! This little site covers a couple of my favourite recipes and my tracker of weight-loss including days where I got drunk and forgot the diet.