Day one – trying out high protein diet

Weight 9.06 stone

Steps 14,019 (according to my Fitbit)

Exercise 0

Sleep 9hrs (according to my Fitbit)

Water 4 pints



Crispbread (Atkins) x 3

Peanut butter x tbsp

Sun maid raisins


Sweet and crunchy side salad M&S

Chicken pieces (whole pack)

Reduced fat dressing


170g steak (Aldi do great steaks)

Mushrooms, asparagus and red onion, oven baked



Watermelon with flax seeds

Black tea

I started the day after my hen party so after a weekend of heavy drinking and cheese eating pleasantly surprised to be starting at 9.06. However weight fluctuates so much after drinking alcohol as can make you weigh less due to dehydration.  I am not following a specific plan really just things that have been recommended by friends, the NHS website and any other dieting website which are offering high protein diets. My friend recommended 30% carbs, 30% fat and 40% protein each day. As I am logging everything on My Fitness Pal this works out the ratios for me and today I was pretty much spot on! Not sure how easy it will be to maintain that every day though.