Day two – keeping up drinking eight glasses of water

Weight 8 stone 13.8

Steps 10,323 (according to my Fitbit)

Exercise 5 mins of HIIT in the morning (first go I know not great)

Sleep 7.48hrs (according to my Fitbit)

Water 4 pints



Crispbread (Atkins) x 3

Peanut butter x tbsp

Sun maid raisins


Sweet and crunchy side salad M&S

Chicken pieces (whole pack)

Reduced fat dressing


Meatballs (just two :()

Homemade tomato sauce with red onion and basil

Eat Water spaghetti (this stuff is amazing and only 18 cals)




A few mouthfuls of cake (wedding cake testing)


Eight glasses water

Black tea

It is so easy at the start of the day to drink four of five glasses of water but I do struggle at the end of the day. Perk is though that after downing all that water the last thing I want is anymore liquid so easy to avoid that glass or two of wine after work.

Turns out the weight-loss after the hen party wasn’t from dehydration and I am certainly not now! Yippeee! Beginning to wonder if taking February off was one of my better ideas! Maybe I lose weight like I did at the start.